Here you will find a gallery with pictures of our previous Gruß & Kuss events. Find out about planned readings, workshops and other events here and join us!
Love Letters in Transition. The Gruß & Kuss project introduces itself
Information event in the context of the exhibition HILDE ROTH. A Journey through Time in Darmstadt 1950-1990 by the Kunstforum der Technischen Universität Darmstadt in conjunction with the Büro für nicht geschriebene Liebesbriefe of Theater Transit at Georg-Büchner-Platz on August 27, 2021:

Love letters on the Jesuitenplatz
Gruß & Kuss information event hosted by Darmstadt University of Technology and the University Koblenz-Landau at Jesuitenplatz in Koblenz on September 24, 2021:

The Gruß & Kuss Rendezvous
Citizen science workshop hosted by Darmstadt University of Technology with coffee, cake, and love letters at the Darmstadt See you Café on July 9, 2022:

Gruß & Kuss. Time for love letters
Project presentation Gruß & Kuss – Bürger*Innen erhalten Liebesbriefe at Meenzer Science Schoppe in the garden of the Institute of European History in Mainz on August 10, 2022:

Long Night of love letters
Festive citizen science workshop on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Love Letter Archive with short scientific lectures and ten theme tables around the topic of love letters with finger food buffet, wine and candlelight in the Rhein-Mosel-Halle in Koblenz on September 24, 2022:

Love letters in German class
Implementation of a series of lessons as part of the Gruß & Kuss project in a German advanced course (13th grade) on the topic of love letters at the Görres-Gymnasium Koblenz on February 10-28, 2023.

Love Letters at the Rheinland-Pfalz-Tag
Insights into the love letter research of the Love Letter Archive and project presentation of the Gruß & Kuss project in the context of the Rheinland-Pfalz-Tag in the Kurpark in Bad Ems on June 16, 2023.

Love letter poetry slam at the Gutenberg-Museum
Insights into the love letter archive and love letter research with a lecture on the topic “Love letters (in change)” by love letter archive founder Prof. Dr. Eva L. Wyss followed by a love letter poetry slam based on four love letters from the archive to kick off the Mainzer Johannisnacht at the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz on June 23, 2023.

German Language Culture Prize 2024
The 23rd German Language Culture Award ceremony, at which outstanding achievements in the promotion of language and culture were celebrated in front of around 300 guests. The Love Letter Archive was honored with the Institution Award and highlighted for its important role in the preservation and research of love letters. The translator Hans Wolf received the Jacob Grimm Prize (personal prize), while Steffen Gailberger was honored with the initiative prize for his “Leseband” concept to promote reading in schools. The Culture Prize is awarded annually by the Eberhard Schöck Foundation and the German Academy for Language and Poetry, this year at the Kurhaus in Baden-Baden on September 28, 2024:

Love Letter Regulars’ Table
Monthly meeting in Koblenz and Darmstadt with interested citizen researchers* to read, discuss and analyze love letters together on the basis of provided, scientific literature. At each meeting, a different exciting topic of love letter research is presented with selected love letters. The following pictures show the love letter regulars’ tables since their start on August, 3rd 2022 until today:

Are you interested in our love letter regulars’ table? Then have a look at our events and find out about the next date: